'IL CORSO| Food Yard/Park By The Sea + Dancing Fountain + Shell Robinsons Side Trip| How to get there'

08:54 May 22, 2024
'Looking for an al fresco dining by the sea? Come visit IL Corso food park/yard. IL Corso Food Yard is divided into 2 sections such as Food Yard North and Food Yard South. Aside from outdoor dining, you can also do walking by the seaside (named SRP Baywalk) and feel the breeze.  #ilcorso #ilcorsofoodyard #ilcorsofoodpark #ilcorsolifemall #ilcorsofilinvest #ilcorsosrp #srp #cebusrp #cclex #shellrobinsons #shellartgallery #shellcr #shellpainting #shellrobinsonsmobilitystation #shell #shellgasstation #ilcorsodancingfountain #dancingfountain #cebudancingfountain #cebutourism' 
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